AIDS: the diagnosis strikes fear into the hearts of young and old alike. It is impossible to describe the devastating emotional impact of being told that you have the AIDS virus. Immediately images tend to come to mind: an emaciated body, pain and suffering, mental incompetence, and social exclusion.

However, perhaps more tragic than the results of AIDS is the fact that most victims could have avoided getting the disease in the first place. Hence, it seems fitting to focus primarily on how to prevent becoming infected with the AIDS virus, known as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). This virus paves the way for AIDS. Insights into how HIV-infected individuals can boost their immune systems to live the longest and fullest life possible will also be emphasized.

AIDS stands for "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome." This name aptly describes many of the key aspects of this condition. First, AIDS involves immunodeficiency. This means that the disease causes a weakening of the immune system. Because of this weakened immune state, AIDS patients can develop devastating conditions such as life-threatening cancers and infections. Second, AIDS is properly defined as a syndrome. The word "syndrome" conveys the idea that a number of symptoms or problems can occur together in this condition. This is an especially appropriate designation for AIDS where intestinal effects, nervous system changes, and a host of other problems can accompany the headline-grabbing cancers and infections.

Third, this syndrome with its immune system weakness is acquired. An individual moves from a situation of normal immune status to a compromised one as the result of something that he or she acquires. One thing that is acquired, of course, is the virus called the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV. A person cannot get AIDS unless they are infected with HIV. However, not all individuals with HIV infection will necessarily develop AIDS with its profound immune system weakness and accompanying symptoms. Even after 10 years, only about half of those infected with HIV have actually developed AIDS.

This distinction is critical. The disease of AIDS with its weakened immune system and related findings is very different than simply having HIV infection. Again, HIV infection is necessary for AIDS to develop. However, millions of people worldwide are HIV-infected but have not yet come down with it, and some may never develop AIDS.

How can I avoid the AIDS virus? To answer that question, we must first examine how it is transmitted from person to person. You can only get the AIDS virus by receiving it from someone else. What are the various ways it is transmitted? The most common way it is transmitted in the U.S. is through homosexual contact. But there are also other ways, as listed:

- Heterosexual (male to female and vice versa)
- Homosexual (male to male)

Inoculation of blood:
- Transfusion of blood and blood products
- Needle sharing among intravenous drug users
- Health care workers ? needle stick, open wound and mucous membrane exposure
- Human bite
- Injection with unsterilized needles

- Within the womb
- In the birth canal

It is much better not to contract HIV than to attempt to boost the immune system once it is diagnosed. What is the most effective way of ensuring that you never become infected with the AIDS virus? Let us look at the population groups that have developed AIDS in 1996 in figure, which provides the basis for the answer to this question.

Early in the Scriptures God spoke with His own voice and wrote with His own hand a unique set of ten moral imperatives known as the Ten Commandments. The Bible does not call these words ten suggestions or ten good ideas but rather Ten Commandments. Their very name coupled with their unique manner of delivery?the only portion of Scripture written directly by God Himself?should provide reason enough for solemn reflection.

Those Ten Commandments provide a moral compass that many lack today. They spell out the difference between right and wrong. Reflect for a moment on these ten inspired rules for living as found in Exodus 20. The first group of four commandments describes how we should relate to God. The last group of six commandments focuses on interpersonal relations. At the heart of that last group, we find commandment number seven presented in the Old Testament. Jesus also referred to this specific commandment in the New Testament.

We can see that the Scriptures forbid homosexuality, prostitution, and bestiality. If the world´s populace had heeded the principle prohibiting homosexual relations, HIV likely would never have become a worldwide epidemic. Furthermore, note that this command is not given with any reference to marital status. The Scripture´s call for sexual purity extends to all individuals?not just the married.

For more informations see:
- Proof Positive by Neil Nedley
